TIME: 7:30-11:00 COST: $13 COVID: Be sure to wear your facial covering as they are required for entry. Groups larger than 6 will be split. Social Distancing will be enforced. The queue line has yellow, 6 foot markers. DISCOUNTS: Bring non-perishable food items for $1 each, up to $3 off. PARKING: If the lot is full DO NOT park on Filmore St. It is illegal and you will be towed. Go 1 block east to 290th Ave and park there please. AGE RESTRICTION: 12 and Over
Only $13 for this 1/2 mile trek. Sinister Sidney is not like the rest, and sure to be the creepiest place you’ve ever been. And remember, as always, we have a $1 discount per non-perishable food item donated, up to $3 off. All food donations go to support the West Central Food Pantry of Sidney.
We at Sinister Sidney have come to the consensus that, for the safety and peace of mind of our patrons and actors, nose/mouth facial coverings will be required for entrance to the Haunt. If we can wear them all night, you can handle it for an hour to experience the awesomeness that is… Sinister Sidney.
Yes! We are opening for the 2020 Season! As always, we will be open Friday and Saturday nights, from dark till 11:00 P.M. WEATHER PERMITTING Please be sure to check our FaceBook page for the open status before heading out.
To keep you and ourselves safe, we have implemented the following guidelines:
Social Distancing will be enforced. Groups will be limited to 6 people at a time (as always) and spaced 6 feet or greater apart. Our staff will enforce this throughout the haunt with your help. THIS INCLUDES THE PARKING LOT…
Nothing can protect you from us, but to protect us from you, we request that all patrons wear some sort of face covering. Many of our residents are unable to, and we don’t want to catch whatever you may have. In return, we will attempt no to spit on anyone.
ABSOLUTELY NO TOUCHING ANYONE OR ANYTHING! There ain’t enough sanitizer in this state to spray every surface in the forest. Besides, since we do use some Bio props (real stuff) you really don’t want to anyway.
Unfortunately, due to the restrictions, we will not be serving our delicious $.25 Hot Coco this year. We are as disappointed as you are.
Though we would never call Sinister Sidney a “Safe” place to be, we will do our damnedest to make sure it ain’t Covid-19 that gets you…