Oops… I just realized that I never did a Post-Halloween update. Here’s my one from FaceBook:
We had a great time and a great turn out for the first year. (over 250) Thank you all for your support. Thanks to the media for the articles and public awareness. Thanks to the community for your enthusiasm. Thanks to the Sidney City Council for your kind support and for realizing that even though we are a small town, big things can succeed.
Looking forward to being open full season next year. Friday and Saturday nights, all of October. We will expand, rearrange and be bigger and better. Can’t wait.
Watch for posts mid-year looking for sponsors, actors and crew.
So for now, the gates are closed. See you next year.
With that said, we are back at it. Accumulation more cool props and costumes, designing the expansion, building things. In March we’re headed to the Transworld Haunted Attraction Show. The largest gathering of vendors in the US. It’s gonna be a blast. Can’t wait to get… stuff.
We have also joined the Southwest Iowa Trail of Terrors. Check them out on FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/TrailOfTerrors
On another note: We are now officially Sinister Sidney, LLC. Yea for us!
Be sure to check out our FaceBook page, lots more updates there. http://www.facebook.com/SinisterSidney